About Me

DSC_0002_1476538964650Hello, my name’s Alex and I take issue with a lot of things.

I’m a 23 year old ‘man’ from Glasgow, Scotland. I’m also an English and Journalism & Creative Writing graduate. I quite like comics and with any luck, I’ll write them professionally one day.

This is an artist’s rendition of me. Apart from the party hat it is fairly accurate. I’m wearing a party hat because it was my birthday. Also I was the artist.

I mainly write reviews for comic book issues but I also review books from time to time. Over the past year I have neglected my personal site somewhat but I now have work published at: http://dccomicsnews.com/author/alex-mcdonald/ for DC Comics News
http://www.adventuresinpoortaste.com/author/alexm/ for AiPT
http://theweereview.com/author/alex-mcdonald/ for the Wee Review

This site is where I put my ‘Issues’. These vary on topic but typically they’ll be on something that’s irritated me or caused me great anxiety.

If you ever have any constructive criticism, or feel like getting in touch then please do so. I would appreciate any feedback.

